Elephant & Piggie’s “We Are in a Play!” will have the entire family dancing and cheering! Based on the beloved, best-selling children’s books by Mo Willems, this delightful musical follows an elephant named Gerald and a pig named Piggie as they take to the stage in this rollicking adventure that is perfect for young audiences. Go with these two “bestus” friends to a party hosted by the Squirrelles, three singing squirrels who love to have a good time, on a day when anything is possible!
Lyric Theatre Company is proud to continue our tradition of offering FREE Theatre for Young Audiences during the summer. While tickets are free, reservations are strongly encouraged as these performances do sell out. For more information and to reserve tickets, please go to: https://lyrictheatrevt.org/
Performances at 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM.