Birds of Feather: Wildfowl Decoys at Shelburne Museum
This handsome book, featuring new photography of 250 of Shelburne Museum’s most important and artistically carved decoys, is the first examination of this historic and unparalleled decoy collection. Included are examples made by the top American carvers: Charles Christopher Osgood, Lemuel T. and Stephen Ward, John Blair Sr., William Bowman, Nathan Cobb Jr., Lee Dudley, Albert Davids Laing, A. Elmer Crowell, Charles Edward “Shang” Wheeler, and more. Newly researched essays on the origins, construction, and attribution of bird decoys impart critical advancements to our modern understanding of this revered tradition.
*Please note: Shelburne Museum (in store and online) is the only place the softbound version of Birds of a Feather is available.